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러시아와 10뿔 러시아 카자흐스탄 열뿔 도시 은화

운영자 2012.05.15 07:47 조회 수 : 4166 추천:138


뒷면에는 TEN WORLD REGIONS라는 글씨와 함께 (전 세계가 10개의 권역)

The New World Order’s Great City: Astana, Kazakhstan

(The Real News Now)

Astana is the capital city of Kazakhstan, with an official estimated population of 691,529 as of March 1st 2010. It is located in the north-central portion of Kazakhstan, within the Akmola Province, though administrated separately from the province as a federal city area. Astana is the first large capital being built in the 21st century. The word Astana originates from Persian Astana, from the verb Istadan (آستان) to stand (in respect)), and literally means “threshold” (royal or sacred, when people stand in respect and awe), implying where the court is seated ( capital city, a shrine town). The city of Turkistan in Kazakhstan that host the body of the saint Ahmad Yasavi is also called the “astana” as is the city of Mashhad in Iran that is the burial place of the 8th Shiite Imam Reza. In fact, long before becoming the new capital of Kazakhstan, the city was “an astana,” a burial ground of a saint, hence the old name of the city, Ak Mola (Ақмола), “white mausoleum.” The city has been described as a futuristic occult capital being built in a remote and deserted area of the Asian steppes. The city also depicts many instances of sun worship, making one believe the city is a celebration of the religion. Let’s take a look at some photographs of the infamous “New world order capital.”

The Presidential Palace

This layout is present in a majority of important cities, including Washington D.C. and Paris. The two golden pillars are believed to represent Masonic symbolism, Specifically the two pillars of Masonry, Boaz and Jachin. These pillars are featured in all Masonic Lodge rooms. Boaz and Jachin were two copper, brass or bronze pillars which stood in the porch of Solomon’s Temple, the first Temple in Jerusalem.


This is a globe signed by representatives from seventeen religious denominations. This represents “uniting all religions together, a new world order.”

The Pyramid

Lord Norman Forster designed almost all of the structures in these photographs. This pyramid is dedicated to “the renunciation of violence” and “to bring together the world’s religions”. The architect claims the building has no recognizable religious symbols, but in reality the pyramid is a temple for Sun worship. (the religion of the new world order) The pyramid is the main symbol of freemasonry and ancient religious doctrine. Todays elite use these pyramids as symbols of power throughout the world. Las Vegas and Dubai contain similar structures as do many other cities in the world.
The Apex of the Pyramid
The apex is round and covered with sunlight. Images of white doves are embedded in the windows, representing peace, which teaches unification of world governments and religions, a New World Order. The apex is the ultimate representation of illumination.
Other areas in the Pyramid
This is the meeting room for conferences reuniting religious leaders of the world. Do you see a huge figure of sun in the center of the table?
In the basement, you will find Astana’s opera house. (if you look closely, an image of the sun occupies the entire ceiling)


This monument is meant to embody a folktale about a mythical tree of life and a magic bird of happiness. The “tree of life”, is a road map which spirits supposedly use when they leave the material world to join the afterlife. The golden globe at the top of the monument represents the Sun, Supreme Deity. (sun worship again)

Inside gold globe: the top of Bayterek

What the hell is this? It’s a golden triangle with president Nazarbayev’s handprint in the center. I do not find this to be a sufficient answer. The global elite scatter their symbols and doctrine all over the world yet the general population fails to recognize what is going on. Maybe it’s time to wake up, the new world order is here and continuing with their plans right under our noses. If you enjoyed the article, feel free to subscribe.


See (1 Kings 7:15, 1 Kings 7:21; 2 Kings 11:14; 23:3).
August 9, 2010
    NEW WORLD ORDER의 비전을 보여주는 은화(silver coin) 세계단일정부(NWO) / 마지막때의 징조

    2012/05/08 22:54


    아래는 미국 경매 사이트 ebay에 올라 온 은화의 모습이다. 발행년도가 2009년으로 되어 있는데, 앞면에는 1달러짜리 지폐처럼 피라미드 위에 전시안(호루스의 눈)이 그려져 있고, 그 위에는 NEW WORLD ORDER라는 글씨가 새겨져있다.

    뒷면에는 TEN WORLD REGIONS라는 글씨와 함께 전 세계가 10개의 권으로 재편되어 있는 모습을 보여주고 있다. 요한계시록 17장에 보면 앞으로 세워질 적그리스도의 나라(세계정부) - 음녀 바벨론이 일곱 머리와을 가진 짐승을 타고 있다고 묘사하고 있다(7절). 여기서 일곱 머리는 여자가 앉은 일곱 산이요, 열 뿔은 열 왕(ten kings)이라고 설명하고 있다(9,12절). 앞으로 세워질 세계정부가 열 개의 권역으로 나뉘어져서 각 지역을 대표하는 열 명의 왕(통치자)이 세워지게 될 것임을 알 수 있는 말씀이다. 물론 이 열 왕을 통치하는 자는 적그리스도가 될 것이다.

    누가 어떤 목적으로 만들었는지는 모르지만, 이 작은 은화 하나가 앞으로 세워질 NEW WORLD ORDER - 세계정부가 어떤 과정을 통해 세워지고 또 누구에 의해서 통치될 것인지를 잘 보여주고 있다.

    * 은화가 경매되고 있는 ebay 사이트>>

    *은화의 앞면 : 글자 NEW WORLD ORDER와 피라미드 위의 전시안(호루스의 눈) - 앞으로 세워질 세계정부는 호루스의 눈으로 상징되는 적그리스도가 다스리는 세상임을 보여주고 있다.

    *은화의 뒷면 : 10개의 권역으로 나뉘어진 세계정부의 모습 - 음녀 바벨론이 타고 있던 짐승(적그리스도)의 머리에 열 뿔(열왕)이 있었다는 것이 바로 이런 의미인 것이다. 천하만국을 다스리는 권세를 얻은 적그리스도는 전세계를 열 개의 권역으로 나누고 이 지역을 다스리는 왕들(분봉왕)을 세워 세계를 통치하게 될 것이다.
    은화 아래에는666이라는 숫자가 새겨져 있다.

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